There are 3 things you need to know about an affair

  • You will survive infidelity
  • It is possible for your relationship to survive
  • It is possible to rebuild trust in your relationship


So you've just found out your partner has been having an affair? Or you've known for a little while now and you just can't get it out of your head? It feels like your whole world has been turned upside down and nothing makes sense.

With help from Kate you can work on recovery for you as an individual but also for your relationship if you choose to stay. Most people think an affair means the end of the relationship however a recent study into infidelity showed that only 19 percent of people who were cheated on ended the relationship right away. An additional 3 percent eventually broke up because they couldn’t get over the betrayal. That means that 78 percent of couples stayed together despite infidelity.

Kate can help you in the recovery stages of infidelity in terms of emotional first-aid and resourcing yourself to be able to make the right decisions for you and your family at a time that is suitable for you. And if you decide to stay together and try to work it out, it is certainly a lot easier with the guidance and assistance of a professional to help with those hard conversations and knowing where to begin.


It is possible to recover. Email Kate on [email protected] or book now.